Technology: ambient communication
Restarting the future –
Corruption emergency
Starting from the corruption report produced by Restarting the future, we developed the website section about the report on corruption produced by Riparte il futuro, and provided creative coordination and communication materials for the “Emergenza Corruzione”, an anti-corruption flash mob, which happened in Rome right after the official presentation of the report at the Italian Parliament.

Data visualisation
A mobile-first approach providing shareable, interactive graphs and explanatory videos for each topic.
The structure includes a swipe interaction through the different graphs on the left and descriptive videos and texts on the right. Thanks to the colourful charts, data are shown in an analytical, dynamic and intuitive way. A fixed console works as a compass and allows the user to see and download the corruption report. Finally, this console gives you the chance to activate or deactivate some contents, such as videos and calls to action. This allows different kinds of users to customise the page.

A unique anti-corruption ambulance.
We elaborated an ambient communication strategy that saw its full potential on the day the report was presented at the Italian Parliament. We created a specific design to transform an average van into a unique anti-corruption ambulance.

The streets of Rome played a central role in conveying the main message of the anti-corruption report: more transparency means less corruption.
This project wasn’t just online. #EmergenzaCorruzione came to life when, in and out a special anti-corruption ambulance, 12 campaigners dressed up as doctors distributed a special medicine named Trasparentina to pedestrians and politicians. When corruption affects people’s lives, Trasparentina can be the solution!

Visual identity
The metaphor of corruption as a tentacular villain.
The visual approach, both for the report and the ambient communication, was developed around the metaphor of corruption as a tentacular villain. Indeed, for the report cover, we imagined a fight between a man and an octopus, symbol of corruption. The first is defending himself with a thermometer (Termometro) against this “corrupted octopus”. This motive is recalled on the titles and graphics applied on the anti-corruption vehicle.