Technology: campaignin
Eurogroup for Animals –
Speak for animals
Our challenge was to create a Social Media Campaign to spread awareness in animals’ welfare and foster the commitment of European citizens and Institutions. The core message is powerful and works well when adapted to single species or specific audiences too: “Animals can’t speak for themselves, but you can raise your voice in their name”.

Animated gifs
A series of different CTA designed to be posted in the second, informative phase of the Campaign.
The assets invite to find out more about animals’ welfare, European commitment and policies, and EFA’s work.
We provided five gifs dedicated to five different specific themes: circus animals, caged hens, guinea pigs conditions in labs and others. Each of them was designed with a catchy, playful mood, in order to grab greater attention.

Social media cards
The visual is built around the main concept: humans with a colourful muzzle instead of the mouth.
We chose a general proactive mood and a clear, positive tone of voice, which also encourages the audience to believe that their voices matter, along with that of animals. For the Social Cards, we created two templates based on the two different targets of the campaign: one is designed for MEPs with the “Sign the Pledge” CTA; the other for the European Citizens is with the “Vote at EU | 2019” CTA to motivate them to take action.

Compassion In World Farming –
End the cage age
We collaborated with Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) and launched a campaign that aims to end the use of cages in the farming of animals across the European Union. The aim is to raise awareness and inspire people to take immediate action.

Vivid images and strong ideas.
We created and proposed various campaign concepts. Our first proposal was aiming to let people know what they have in their plates comes from pain and suffering. We created a strong visual and direct to the point straplines. “Made in Cage, Let Them Out” was a clear call to action and a statement for no quality can come from cruelty.

After so many trials and proposals we have reached our final design. Our aim was to trigger a sense of obviousness and urgency, and shouting out loud that “We need to take action now! Cages are against nature”.
The sense of a paradigm shift “away from the age of the cage” is also reflected in the design with shapes of the animals in a cage created in the style of iron age artworks.

We didn’t want to push the “drama” button.
The Cage Age is a concept which immediately calls the image to mind. “End the Cage Age”, the campaign name, successfully called the people to action while denouncing the obvious problems of cage-farming. The tone we have chosen for this campaign is funny, catchy and striking.

We structured the campaign for being participatory and innovative.
We believe that action is a positive thing and we’d rather focus on that. We aimed to target people who are shaken up by the desire for social change everywhere. With this campaign, we wanted to raise awareness and change the approach to the animals in cages.
Greenpeace –
I know who grew it
I know who grew it is a project realized for Greenpeace to promote a new and better relationship with food. The industrial economy is destroying the natural resources and wildlife, affecting human health, poisoning our food, water and soil and impoverishing farmers. It is also narrowing down our food diversity.

Blog and pledges
The principal aim of this project is to inform and invite people to take actions that can improve their relationship with food.
That’s why we created two sections:
A blog, where users can find information about how the food production process is changing, what we are failing and what we can do better.

A pledge page, where everyone who wants to take a pledge about their food choice – such as buying at the bio market or reducing the food waste or making compost – can do it and share it through their own social network.

Do you know what a hate crime is?
To prevent bias-based hate crimes from happening at all, we need to know how to recognize them and to collect data in order to better understand the problem and protect past, present and future victims. The challenge of this campaign was to convey the same message to very different targets: civil society, institutions and teenagers. For this reason, it had to be emotional and accurate at the same time.

A clear definition of hate crimes.
In order to increase the awareness around hate crimes, we created a script that provides a clear definition of them and engages the audience by emphasizing the importance of reporting.
This motion graphic video is part of the Facing Facts campaign, promoted by Ceji and aimed to make hate crimes visible to everyone.
Character animation
We were asked to represent the different categories of people.
Another challenge concerned the representation of crimes and their protagonists: to avoid extreme language and violent scenes we had to come up with several metaphors, such as the crime pinned board and the target shapes. On the other hand, since hate crimes are based on bias and discrimination of ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, we were asked to represent the different categories of people: wide research led us to find simple, neutral face and body shapes to which we added some details and changed the main colours so that all physiognomies could be symbolically represented.

English subtitles for a deaf audience.
We also provided English subtitles for a deaf audience, transposing sound effects and music variations and adapting the script to the standard length and difficulties for these viewers.
European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing
For The Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety, we created a series of six infographics for both online and print publication. DG-SANTE supports a new European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing initiative aimed to raise awareness among stakeholders, medical professionals as well as care takers and private citizens.

We designed six infographics to show facts and figures of the six different topics the EIP on AHA work upon, and the steps or actions that need to be taken in order to achieve a long and healthy life for yourself and for those in your personal or professional care.

The work was challenging as the subject approached by the EIP on AHA had to depict the information clearly enough for a regular person to understand and follow its content, but at the same time it had to be engaging and provide a valuable input for a professional to study the data and put it into practice.

Solidar –
Rights first
We all strive for a better future, but for that, we need a solid base of rights. In collaboration with “The Decent Work Balkan Network,” we produced a video that shows the need for initiative and inspires a raise in action for basic rights in the Balkan region.

The main goal of “Rights first” campaign is to advocate the rule of law in the Balkans. Basic rights such as public health, social protection, fair trials and gender equality are not always recognized in the Balkan region.
The “Solidar: Rights First” video that we produced for TV and social networks was made to raise awareness especially among workers, as they are the ones that need to demand their rights. The aim was to also encourage people who are in unstable conditions, informal workers, future workers or unemployed, to get informed, demand their rights and obtain better protection via existing socio-economic partnerships like NGOs, trade unions and the media. The video is adapted in English, Serbian, Albanian and Macedonian. This video is also a part of the Solidar: decent work online library, a collection of resources that have been produced by the network and it’s partners to promote and support decent work and quality jobs for all.
Restarting the future –
Fiction or life
“Fiction or life”, a side project of Restarting the future, is a test where users are presented with some facts about corruption and they have to tell which ones are true and which are actually plots of fiction stories (movies, tv-series, etc.).
This test gets users to realize how the level of corruption in Italy is often unbelievable and unlikely, yet also true and widespread.

Some students have paid up to €30.000 to get the answers of a public contest via SMS: is this fiction or life?
When it comes to corruption, some facts are unbelievable.
Are you able to distinguish reality from a movie plot?
Take the test and find out your ability to spot the difference!

The test’s intro is conceived as a theatre stage where users can select the “Take the test!” button.
The question page is split in two parts: on one side a director’s chair stands for fiction, while on the other an armchair represents real life. After giving the answer, you’ll know the truth about the fact.
Your goal is to get ten right answers, but it’s not that easy: beware, sometimes reality is more incredible than fiction!

Greenpeace International
Save the Arctic
Time is running out for the North Pole. We worked with Greenpeace to restyle their high-priority “Save The Arctic” campaign website, one of the biggest campaigns the NGO has run against oil drilling and industrial fishing in the region since 2012. The campaign demands the area to be declared a natural sanctuary.

Greenpeace asked us to restyle their “Save the Arctic” website. Their aim was to increase conversion rates, build a responsive website optimized for different devices, make it as easy as possible to sign and create petitions, improve the interface with Facebook Connect, and respond to Greenpeace’s multilingual and multinational identity by ensuring easy modification and implementation of new plug-ins and features.
In this project we did an overall restyling of the front end of the “Save The Arctic” website and refactored the back end by building a CMS. We started our work by researching and evaluating dozens of websites in order to gauge their effectiveness, call-to-actions, user engagement and usability.
Despite the fact that a single-page website was required, the design was complicated in and of itself. Greenpeace is an organization with independent offices in many countries. Each of these offices had different requests for the website as far as content, policy and data management went. To solve this conflict, we built a flexible CMS from scratch and endowed each individual national office with the faculty to change layouts and contents and manage the email addresses collected. We built the CMS using MODx, which offers simplicity while being flexible and efficient.

We also developed the possibility of inserting and changing images and videos on the default theme in the main area. The campaign’s goals may vary over time, so we wanted to create a flexible and reusable layout.

We designed the website along with the responsive approach, and we optimized the website for different devices as well as intended use. While designing the graphics and layout we were goal-oriented but at the same time attentive to the need to make it catchy, modern, fresh and urgent. We came up with the idea of a melting-polar-bear illustration composed of ice blocks; the illustration represents the Arctic environment and urges visitors to stop the melting by signing the petition.

We improved the petition form by implementing a full-screen view and fewer form fields to catch the user’s attention and minimize the process friction. We also designed an effective user flow to lead users to share on their social accounts through a ‘thank you’ page and a ‘thank you’ email that invites friends and includes a donation option.

In this video you can see the animation of the polar bear melting that was on the homepage of Save the Arctic.
Hacking Save the Arctic
During Christmas 2014, we realized a “hacking Save the Arctic” campaign run by… reindeers.
In the fight against oil drilling, not only the polar bear – which is the iconic animal of the campaign – is in danger, but also reindeers and other species who are living in the same environment .
That’s why an “armed group” called Reindeer United take possession of the Save the arctic campaign, on social networks, during Christmas shouting “Polar bears suck!” and hacking all images of polar animals with reindeer’s antlers and nose.

We also realized a replica landing page where reindeers could explain why they had taken possession of the campaign and why saving the arctic is so important, not only for the polar bears.

Around 50 National Greenpeace offices are using the platform that we designed. In the first two weeks, Save The Arctic generated 80,300 total signups and 20,623 new leads.
We, both us and Greenpeace, achieved our goal of increasing the petition conversion rates. Save The Arctic conversion rate increased by 189% after the launch of the platform.
We will continue to work with Greenpeace to improve and develop the platform, along with addressing the campaign’s future needs.
European Green Party –
Green Party: Arctic campaign
“The melting of arctic is a wake up call, not a profit opportunity”. We can count at least 7 reasons to save the arctic. The European Greens asked us to help them shout out loud the consequences of the arctic melting and the colossal importance of saving our white ocean, all in the framework of the upcoming European Elections.

The aim was to highlight the clash between civil initiative, the relentless chase after political solutions for climate change and the all mighty oil industry, who is profiting from the lack of determination in the European governments and pushing shamelessly their destructive agenda.
We designed a big format brochure for public distribution, stating clearly the 7 most relevant reasons for saving the arctic and details on taking action with the campaign.

We also produced a video, a mix of live-action and traditional animation correlating this pressing real problem with a child’s wild imagination. The intention behind this concept is that in the end, all those who will really suffer because of climate changes are today’s young generations and we will forever remain responsible for this.
Arcigay –
Let’s turn off the hatred
We campaigned with Arcigay to fight the widespread prejudice against the LGBT community in Italy and helped them achieve their goals. They believe in a secular, democratic society where individuals liberties, human and civil rights are recognized, promoted and guaranteed without discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity or other personal and social condition.

Italy is considered one of the countries with the highest rate of homophobia in the E.U. and one of the sates with the most transgender suicide cases in the world. We collaborate with Arcigay to fight the widespread prejudice against the LGBT community. The first aim is to urge the most important decision-makers, the parliamentarians, to make a new law regarding hate speech. We are demanding more serious penal consequences for homophobic statements and opposition towards the irresponsible ways of Italian media, especially the television that constantly promotes homophobia by adopting insulting gay stereotypes.
For this campaign, we produced an animated video using graphically the homophobic speeches of politicians and we raised a red flag to show how their hateful discourses can drive LGBT people to commit suicide. This video has been watched 17.000 times on YouTube.
The petition
We also started up a petition and we made an significant call for the parliament: ‘Do something REAL against homophobia and transphobia, without ifs or buts!’ We reached 56.167 signatures.

Media coverage
Important mainstream media channels published coverages about the campaign, such as Corriere Della Sera, Huffington Post, Repubblica.