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Oxfam –

Stand with defenders

Land rights defenders are a community of people spreading all over the world. Even though they have the right to defend their land, they are criminalized.They stand, they defend, they protect and they resist against injustice, criminalization, overexploitation. And we must support them by standing on their side.

image of one of the social cards that represents a man who defends his rights
image of one of the social cards of the project with the hashtag

Social Media

I stand with those who defend, protect and preserve.

Oxfam asked us to create a campaign identity and a strategy consistent with the objectives provided. We have achieved the wording of the campaign for social media, including headline, tagline, call to action and hashtags.

image of colombia social cards of the project with the hashtag
image of data social card of the project with the hashtag
image of ercilia social card of the project with the hashtag


There is one side and there is the other.

Oxfam has asked us to also carry out the campaign video lasting 30 ” using the stock material. Latte Creative was involved in scriptwriting and video translation. The result is a strong and emotional video that involves and informs the public on the issue of land defenders.


Great support from all over the world.

The video received over a million views and thousands of interactions to support the campaign.
The social media cards were widely used globally on Twitter, especially by NGOs such as Amnesty International,, Front Line Defenders, Earth Rights International, Transparency International and Freedom House. Also, Facebook proved to be a very effective medium, with about 8.5 million people reached and about 2.5 million video views.

The LandRightsNow website received about 15.000 visits, and more than 200.000 people were engaged through social media by retweeting, commenting, shares and likes.

card with results's data of the land rights now oxfam campaign
Latte Creative –

Worth Wearing

Latte Creative has launched its first self initiated project: Worth Wearing, an online platform that promotes and supports causes for NGOs, associations or single individuals and funds their ideas by selling customized T-shirts. The aim is to create a widespread social awareness network based on e-commerce and provide customers with a way to support and simultaneously spread their causes.

image of worth wearing website

The concept is simple and it was inspired by a T-shirt’s versatility.
We offer a quality product, environmentally friendly and sustainable; the revenues from this sale fund a worthy cause and contribute to its spreading and promotion, both online through the platform and offline, thanks to those who will wear the shirt.
Anyone can upload their own graphics and sell the finished product without having to worry about logistics.

How Worth Wearing works

Our mission is to support the causes on the platform by returning the revenues from the sales to the campaigners, so that we can give them a hand realizing their ideas.

worth wearing photo of all supporters with tshirt

The platform

The project combines two established concepts: the dynamics of user generated campaigning and the simplicity of crowdfunding. On Worth Wearing the added value is not only the T-shirt but its association with the real world and the ability to spread the campaign everywhere.

It is a system open to everybody and it doesn’t require any money, so it is accessible by many more initiatives than other traditional types of activism.

Various organizations have already submitted their designs and were the first to be featured in our home page. Visit the website and send us your cause to make it real:


Worth Wearing is set to become a new channel to support social activism. It can provide new means to sustain many activities for charities/non-profits and a new type of support for the “micro activism” movement. Anybody can launch a T-shirt on Worth Wearing for any kind of project and invite friends, stakeholders or a whole community to fund their cause by purchasing a T-shirt.

Our aim is to simplify the campaign creation process as much as possible and help users realize their campaigns or fund projects in few easy steps. Our aim is to highlight the campaign and the story behind it rather than the product itself. The T-shirts are printed on demand after the buyer has placed the order, thus limiting logistics costs.

All T-shirts are eco-friendly certified, made from soft organic cotton, supplied by Continental Clothing, printed with the newest printing technology “Direct To Garment” and water-based non-toxic colors.

The designs are user-generated, and a vendor can launch several campaigns or open a microstore. We will also provide design and consultancy features for interested users.

Stay tuned and subscribe to our newsletter to find out the best causes to support:

Follow us
Facebook: Worth Wearing
Twitter: @WorthWearingOrg
Instagram: worthwearing_org 

create worth wearing
Tax justice network –

Global alliance for tax justice

We collaborated with the Tax Justice Network, one of the most significant actors in raising awareness around tax justice on an international level, to design a logo for their new umbrella organization: the Global Alliance for Tax Justice. The Tax Justice Network mostly focuses on research and advocacy and it’s also active in creating partnerships with many campaigns, both on a local and a global level.

image of the flag

GATJ is a newly formed alliance of autonomous regional networks working together for shared objectives in solidarity based on equality. Each regional network leads the fight against tax dodging within its own regional political and socio-economic context, and the alliance comes in to support the regional work, to amplify and synergies the regional work at the global level.

image of the logo mockup

Brand identity

We gave tax justice one of the most important human attributes: a face.
The goal was to create a logo that would be both recognizable and credible, a common symbol for the Alliance. As tax justice is sometimes hard to grasp, we tried to give a positive spin to the subject. The expression is friendly and the profile is obtained by using the universal symbol of portions. Through the merge of these two simple and well recognizable shapes, we managed to convey the idea of fairness: tax justice, for all. The values and the mission of the alliance are reinforced by a direct and incentive pay-off: Multinationals Pay Your Fair Share! The idiom makes this sentence easy to remember and serves as a clear call to action.

image of the t-shirt with logo
Arcigay Italia –

A far l’Europa comincia tu

“A far l’Europa comincia tu” is an advocacy and awareness campaign launched in partnership with Arcigay, the Italian LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual, intersexual) association, in sight of the European Parliament elections.

image of the website
image of the petition

The objective of the project is twofold. On the one hand, it promotes a petition encouraging the engagement of Italian candidates on the protection and promotion of LGBTI rights in Europe. On the other hand, it highlights the opinions expressed by Italian candidates on LGBTI issues in order for the electorate to be prepared to make a fully informed decision when voting. As a consequence, voters have the possibility to identify the candidates who are LGBTI friendly in the party they want to vote and in their electoral district.


The “match” among selected candidates shows comparatively the two extremes on the subject coexisting in the main parties.
In the website, the architecture of the user experience is created to give visibility to the very different opinions on LGTBI rights expressed by Italian candidates even within the same party. Users are also asked to express their approval or disapproval to the candidates based on their engagement on LGBTI rights, through a voting tool that determines the candidate’s “rainbow factor”.

image of candidates


The video teaser of the campaign expresses how the European Parliament can play a crucial role in the defence and promotion of LGBTI rights and makes a strong call to express a conscious choice to this end at the next European elections.

Libera and Gruppo Abele –

Restarting the future

“Restarting the future” is an advocacy campaign developed in partnership with Libera, the most important Italian anti-mafia NGO. The project is aimed at creating public awareness on the subject of corruption and advocating to strengthen the law against corruption by reforming the Penal Code.

image of responsive website


The video teaser of the campaign sums up the goal of “Restarting the future” and makes a strong call to sign the petition.


The architecture of the user experience is created to give the strongest possible visibility to the signup form. We need action from Italian citizens and we are not shy to ask it.

image of the website

It is not easy to score 100.000 signatures in an online petition, so let’s celebrate! And by the way: this is just the beginning.

animated image of the signatures

Corriere della sera, the most important Italian newspaper, wrote an impressive editorial about Restarting the future. Yes, we have been on the news many times before. No, we had never reached the first page before. That was a great day!

corriere della sera article


Scoring 300.000 signatures are even more challenging so we need to celebrate more. Here is an amateur video that grabbed the authenticity of the moment and the happiness of those who saw their wish for change becoming reality.

A new video for a new campaign spin off: bringing transparency in the health sector.

After having reached 500.000 signatures, we created a landing page to celebrate our goal: entering the page you can add your name to see how many people with the same name have signed the petition.

image of the petiton landing page
image of results datas

Data visualisation

800.000 is a big number and we were really excited.
Do you know how many signatures are 800.000?
We don’t know either, so we decided to find it out.
It seems that they are a lot (going and coming to the moon, huh?), but the finish line is still far: let’s do better!
We want to fight the corruption in Italy and we are still not enough.

one million signature

The long-awaited goal! Now we are a 1 million community!
Are we stopping now?
Not at all!
New goals are coming: together we can really make the difference!

This is our national campaign (we were on Corriere della Sera and Repubblica) to celebrate the event!

Share it!

Do you wanna share one of our petition or just sign in with a social network? Yes you can!
Every petition on the website can be signed, not only by email, but also with Facebook and Twitter, and, on these social networks, you can share your signature and invite your friends.

If you’re browsing the website from a tablet or a smartphone, you can share contents and petitions through Whatsapp.

rif petizioni
Action aid –

Let’s fight climate change and hunger. Together.

We worked with ActionAid and developed a campaign to raise awareness about climate change and the food crisis. The important aspect of the campaign was to inform and encourage the world leaders to support women farmers in poor countries.

image of the video call to action
image of a video frame

They asked us to develop a campaign for making a call to action, aimed at world leaders during the 17th UN Climate Conference which was held in Durban, South Africa in 2011.
The objective was to support small scale farmers, especially women and to point out how the food crisis and climate change are closely linked.


We decided to produce this video, for them to tell everyone: “Let’s fight climate change and hunger. Together”. To draw the attention on the region that needs help, we chose to narrate the video with the voice of an African woman her in her original and distinguished accent, because we knew that the small farmers who are now mostly women, will be the ones that will suffer greatly in the near future from climate change.
The video was watched 34,546 times on YouTube.

Facebook tab

Along with the video, we designed a Facebook Tab where people can share the campaign, join us on our call to the world leaders and follow the conference held in Durban.

image of the facebook tab