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ECCO: the new Italian think thank for climate change

ECCO is the first independent Italian, non-profit energy and climate change think tank. It was founded with the mission to accelerate climate action in Italy and around the world. Latte Creative worked with this newborn reality to develop its identity from all perspectives, and summarise it in a brand new website.



After two brainstorming sessions with the client, we came up with the Italian word ‘ECCO’, which is an acronym for the main themes that it focuses on, energy and climate change, and in Italian evokes a sense of urgency and innovation consistent with the approach we all must take towards climate action.

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Visual Identity

We designed ECCO’s identity from scratch and ended up with a complete brandbook.
We started from the logo: we added a slash to the final O to transform it into a zero that stands for ECCO’s main goal – cutting emissions to zero. As the main font we picked Montserrat and we came up with a palette that works well on black so that we could play with contrasts.

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The website was co-designed with the client. It features ECCO’s vision and mission, the team and the funders. At its core, the think tank’s programmes can be found: each of them is represented by a dedicated icon. A lot of resources and an easy to consult agenda are available to the users.

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Doctors Without Borders –

Search and rescue: saving lives at sea

A website with all the information about Search and Rescue activities to show how huge and important is the work done by MSF in the Mediterranean, with an interactive map and detailed graphs.


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Data visualization

Images work better than words when explaining complex facts.

Data and visual reports allow the user to easily interpret MSF activities: everyone can quickly grasp the most significant information on MSF rescue operations in the Mediterranean from 2015 until today thanks to mouseover functions and filters to select specific years of activity.

data visualization saving lives at sea doctors without borders


An interactive map that allows the user to explore a lot of information in an engaging and easy way.

Together with Code for Africa we implemented the interactive map, a tool that allows the user to explore a lot of information in an engaging and easy way.

Filters can be used to select specific vessels and different types of the operation, while ships are displayed by dots that, when clicked, open a data sheet with detailed information such as the number of people rescued and the duration of every operation.

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A modular structure that doesn’t interfere with the stability of the site.

The entire website has been designed and developed in a very short time, while different contents were being constantly produced, updated and translated even after the launch. The need for it to be as much flexible and yet stable as possible was crucial, so we built a structure based on modules that can be filled and assembled in different ways without affecting the site’s overall stability and always ensuring smooth navigation throughout the pages.

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