Arcigay Italia –
A far l’Europa comincia tu
“A far l’Europa comincia tu” is an advocacy and awareness campaign launched in partnership with Arcigay, the Italian LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual, intersexual) association, in sight of the European Parliament elections.

The objective of the project is twofold. On the one hand, it promotes a petition encouraging the engagement of Italian candidates on the protection and promotion of LGBTI rights in Europe. On the other hand, it highlights the opinions expressed by Italian candidates on LGBTI issues in order for the electorate to be prepared to make a fully informed decision when voting. As a consequence, voters have the possibility to identify the candidates who are LGBTI friendly in the party they want to vote and in their electoral district.
The “match” among selected candidates shows comparatively the two extremes on the subject coexisting in the main parties.
In the website, the architecture of the user experience is created to give visibility to the very different opinions on LGTBI rights expressed by Italian candidates even within the same party. Users are also asked to express their approval or disapproval to the candidates based on their engagement on LGBTI rights, through a voting tool that determines the candidate’s “rainbow factor”.

The video teaser of the campaign expresses how the European Parliament can play a crucial role in the defence and promotion of LGBTI rights and makes a strong call to express a conscious choice to this end at the next European elections.