Covering Extractives
An online guide to reporting on natural resources
NRGI helps journalists from all around the world help their countries. In particular, resource-rich countries with both significant extractive sectors and a few difficulties in journalism reporting. Who watches the watchmen, stated a famous superheroes comic book: NRGI published a precious resource to help journalists observe and report on critical activities by powerful international companies.

An easy to use digital handbook
Traditionally, NRGI published these contents in printed-paper, with a slow deployment and update cycle. They chose Latte to publish a digital version so that they can update its contents at any moment and make them accessible to even more professional journalists.

A very responsive website
It had to be a “very responsive” website, too: journalists in countries with significant extractive sectors often have issues with bandwidth and device speed so special care was given to make the website both powerful and accessible.

A carefully crafted digital experience
Publishing a complex PDF online meant a lot more than copying and pasting its contents to HTML: it involved a complete overhaul of the information architecture. We used low-res UX wireframes to design the search engine, the resources page and the way contents are linked. NRGI tested the wireframes internally and together we got to the perfect design solution.