Where the future is decided
Are the buildings in which you decide only those of the government? We tell the places of knowledge with a metaphor that alludes to institutions and decision-making places in language, but which visually tells the places of education and the analogies between democratic institutions and the typical vocabulary of the school.

Key visual
The multi-subject campaign has multiple variations connected to the sectors of the knowledge sector (research, school and education) through representative places and scenes.

Declination of key visuals in a video. The campaign concept is strong, challenging and impactful and thanks and the use of a video helps dissemination and increases its impact.
Influencer and user generated content
The most emotional side of the campaign. Through the hashtag #QuelloCheSaremo (What we will be), the testimonials will tell firsthand who they were before becoming what they are. The focus is on education through a story of their school experience in which they learned something that changed their life.