
Membership campaign

FLC CGIL asked us to develop a 2020 membership campaign that would help unhinge prejudices that weight on the trade union and that increase enrollments among young people.

researcher seated on a school desk flc cgil campaign
photo of workshop members flc cgil


First of all, we organized a workshop together with the client, in order to better understand its needs. Then we started working on them both on a creativity and on a strategy level.


Nobody knows the value and needs of knowledge workers better than the trade union does. We’ve stressed this concept by declining the keyword knowledge.
From this process we came out with the columns We know the answers – in which school data are shared as if they were math problems – and We know the words – in which education specific vocabulary is defined.

card social flc cgil campaign card social flc cgil campaign

Más que una agencia.

Worth Wearing Latte School