Cittadinanzattiva –
Let’s return to medical care
After the lockdown in spring 2020, a resistance remained among doctors and patients to the idea of resuming general healthcare practices, especially those held in person in the local clinics.
The cause was mainly fear and a hospital related feeling of danger related to hospitals.
With Cittadinanzattiva we worked on a campaign that would restore doctors and patients’ confidence in the healthcare system and in the effectiveness of precautions against Covid 19.

We wanted to underline the essential role of a professional in the diagnosis and treatment of the most serious illnesses and the extraordinary value of the relationship between doctor and patient. To do this, we started with the well-known saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. And we have reversed its meaning, inviting doctors and patients to return to visit each other safely.

The campaign’s main activities concerned the ideation of a radio commercial distributed on radio 101 and Radio2, and a OOH plan in the main Italian train stations.
The radio’s script was based on the campaign’s concept revisited in a more ironic key, playing on the literal meaning of the saying.

Spot 30”
Digital Strategy
We activated a multi-target digital campaign aimed both at doctors and patients that would strengthen the ATL activities and increase traffic on the campaign’s dedicated landing page thanks to Instagram live streamings featuring politicians and experts and in-depth content. A two-week Facebook Adv campaign supported the awareness goal.