Doctors Without Borders –
This is not my Europe
We developed the creative and visual concept and the landing page for Medici Senza Frontiere’s protest action to take the migrants side against EU blocks and walls. We identified the campaign claim and tagline and the campaign visual for the public action of March 25 in Rome, to contrast European leaders policies about forced returns and blocks of migrants and refugees. We designed a landing page to reach participants and engage those that are not able to be there with online activities.

Claim and tagline
The claim is of an international movement understandable by an Italian audience.
We opted for 3 simple English words that are commonly used in other languages too. These words form an expression that is a popular US slogan often used to address unwanted leaders or to protest against an institution: for example “Not my president” or “Not my government”. “Not my Europe” is the voice of a European citizen that speaks in the first person, on behalf of an international community, who wants to take the distances from the EU policymakers.
The campaign visual
A representation of the recent EU’s policies about migrants and refugees.
We brought some change to the European flag by replacing the stars of the official one with barbed wire in a circular shape.
The wire does not allow anyone to get in: that’s a huge metaphorical contrast with the principle of free movement of persons, that is one of the EU founding principles.

The landing page
A place where people can get informed about the event going on.
On the top of the page, the user can download the program to join the mobilization in Rome or sign in to join the online protest. The page is functional for both offline and online demonstrators.
In the lower part, we put six boxes where users can examine in depth the six reasons why Medici Senza Frontiere and several other organizations are gathering against European policies and than share their agreement to the “Not my Europe” campaign.